Country Lane Elementary School

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Student Expectations


PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) at Country Lane School


At Country Lane, we believe that when students feel safe and supported they are more likely reach their learning potential. Through PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) or Colts Can, we work together to create and maintain a productive, safe environment in which ALL school community members clearly understand the shared expectations for behavior. We believe that through the implementation of PBIS systems and strategies, we will increase student academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish a positive school climate.


The main focus of PBIS (or Colts Can) is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at Country Lane School. One of the keys of the system is a focus on prevention. It is based on the idea that when students are taught clearly defined behavioral expectations and provided with predictable responses to their behavior, both positive and corrective, a large majority of students will meet those expectations.


As part of PBIS, Country Lane has developed school-wide procedures to accomplish the following:

Define Behavior Expectations. At Country Lane School we have three simple yet powerful expectations: Be Safe; Be Respectful; and Be Responsible.


Teach Behavior Expectations. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students in real contexts during the first week of school and revisited in a variety of ways throughout the school year.


Acknowledge Appropriate Behaviors. Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis. Country Lane has developed a system that rewards positive behavior. “Colts Can Coupons” are tickets used by staff members as a tool of encouragement and a student motivator.  Students can earn "brag tags" with grade level and school rules on them, as well as extended recess or a pizza party.


Proactively Correct Behavior. When students violate the behavioral expectations they are informed that their behavior was unacceptable. Teachers use a variety of strategies to redirect students to the appropriate behavior (eye contact, proximity, one-on-one private conversation, phone call/email home…) Each classroom teacher has their own system for redirecting students. If students continue with unacceptable behaviors a teacher may refer the student to administration for further discussion and consequences. Always the focus is on keeping the student’s self-esteem in tact while addressing the behaviors that need to be adjusted. The goal is to educate and remind the students as to the desired behaviors and to help them see how the unacceptable behavior impacts everyone negatively.



School-wide rules reflect our Colts Can initiative:

          Be Safe

          Be Responsible

          Be Respectful


We expect the students to use good judgment in their actions at school and to respect themselves, their teachers, and the rights of other students.  Good behavior is essential for effective learning for all students.  We want all of our students to be successful at school. 


The following is never allowed:

  • Fighting
  • Aggressive Horseplay
  • Spitting
  • Harassment or Bullying of any kind
  • Throwing any objects, including food
  • Eating in classrooms, unless authorized by the teacher
  • Defiant or Disruptive behavior


School Rules


Be Safe

Be Responsible

Be Respectful

Passing Areas (Hallways)

  • Always stay in walking areas
  • Stay to the right, face forward
  • Allow younger grade to pass
  • Stay on sidewalk

  • Stay on task

  • Use appropriate voice levels
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.


  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
  • Always walk on black top and play structure area
  • Follow all game rules
  • Stay in assigned areas
  • Follow adult directions
  • Use equipment properly
  • Stop and drop when whistle blows 3 times
  • Include everyone
  • Use problem solving skills
  • Share equipment


  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
  • Wash hands
  • Keep floor clean and dry
  • Flush toilet after use
  • Return to classroom/recess promptly
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Respect privacy
  • Use quiet voices
  • Wait for your turn


  • Walk quietly and calmly
  • Sit in assigned area
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
  • Listen to and follow adult directions
  • Use good audience manners
  • Be good listeners
  • Clap appropriately
  • Sit properly

Arrival and Dismissal

  • If waiting for the bus, stay with the adult on duty
  • Sit or stand in bus line behind yellow
  • Walking feet only
  • Cross the street and parking lots at crosswalks
  • Look both ways before crossing streets and parking lots and MOVE  SLOWLY
  • If you walk in front of a stopped car, make eye contact with the driver first.
  • Walk bike on sidewalks

  • Walk directly to and from bus area
  • Wait in line for teacher (Arrival)
  • Enter the room ready to learn
  • If you are not picked up on time, go directly to the office
  • Wait patiently for bus
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to self

Lunch Tables

  • Keep all food to self
  • Sit with feet on floor, bottom on benches and facing table
  • Sit at assigned tables
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Use quiet voices
  • Follow adult directions


  • Walk quietly and calmly
  • Wait patiently for your turn in line
  • Get all utensils, milk, etc., when first going through the line
  • Use quiet voices
  • Follow adult directions

Computer Labs

  • Sit in the assigned seat
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
  • Walk quietly and calmly
  • Follow adult         directions
  • Use computers


  • Put things back where they belong
  • Use quiet voices


  • Walk quietly and calmly
  • Keep chair legs on the floor
  • Use book buddies in a safe manner
  • Return materials on time.
  • Keep borrowed material safe
  • Push in chairs
  • Put things back where they belong
  • Follow adult directions

  • Use quiet voices
  • Use materials appropriately
  • Be patient if waiting for help
  • Take turns using the computer search stations


  • Walk quietly to and from the office
  • Open the door carefully
  • Return directly to class
  • Carefully deliver any notes or papers
  • Return any materials where they belong
  • Drop off attendance folder quietly
  • Wait for an adult to ask to help you.
  • Be polite, use kind words

Extended Day/ After School Activities

  • Stay with an adult on duty until released to an adult
  • Sit in chairs properly
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
  • Report to extended day or after-school activity immediately after school
  • Follow adult directions
  • Use all equipment properly
  • Return items to their proper place
  • Stay focused and on task
  • Respect privacy
  • Use problem solving skills
  • Share equipment and materials
  • Use kind words


  • Chairs on floor
  • Use classroom materials appropriately
  • Be prepared
  • Participate
  • Do your personal best
  • Don’t give up. Keep trying
  • Use classroom materials appropriately
  • Turn in assignments on time
  • Keep toys/cards at home
  • Take care of school property
  • Use whole-body listening
  • Use kind words
  • Follow adult directions
  • Encourage others
  • Use the appropriate voice level
Image result for cell phone


Students may be in possession of cell phones/electronic devices only for purposes of communication or tracking a student’s whereabouts (not as toys) providing that these devices do not disrupt the educational program or school activities.  Devices cannot be brought to school for the purposes of games. Toys of any kind are also not allowed at school. If you deem it necessary for your child to have a device in their possession, it must be on silent and stored in a backpack or book bag, out of sight, during the instructional day and at any other time as directed by a district employee. Students may only use cell phones/electronic devices before and after school to communicate with family.  If a disruption occurs, an employee may direct the student to turn off the cell phone/electronic device and/or confiscate it until the end of the day. If a student’s device is confiscated during the instructional day, consequences will be assigned and a parent will need to pick the device up from the office.  The taking or transmitting of pictures/video on a device is strictly prohibited at any time on campus or at school activities. Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of any electronic device. The District and School shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of any device.  (Ed. Code 48901.5)



Image result for bikes and scooters
Students are legally required to wear helmets when bicycling to school.  Students and parents need to walk their bikes when on campus.  An area is provided to lock up bikes during the day.  
For the safety of all our students and staff, skateboards or scooters are not to be ridden on campus.  If this is your way to and from school, please wear a helmet, and pick up your skateboard/scooter, and walk when you are on campus.  Jumping off/grinding on the planters and play structures is never permitted.
 Please be aware that bringing items from home can be disruptive and can cause disappointment if these items are lost, stolen, broken, or damaged.  Please do not bring toys, cards, or sports equipment to school.
Image result for lost and found
 Please note that our Lost and Found items will be removed and donated at the end of the month.  Please label your items clearly and check for missing items often.
Image result for school dress code

Students’ clothing and general appearance must be clean, safe, and appropriate for school.  Students must wear safe and appropriate shoes at all times (closed-toe shoes preferred)

Clothing that is not permitted includes:

  • Pajama pants or tops, except on Pajama Day.
  • Halter or spaghetti straps.  If worn, a jacket or sweater must accompany the shirt on top.
  • Short skirts or shorts (use the fingertip test:  skirts or shorts must be longer than the tips of your longest fingers when your arms are at your side).
  • Sagging pants.
Remember:  The dress code applies to all school activities including evening and weekend events.

Every month at Country Lane, the whole school gathers together to build community and celebrate a variety of student achievements.  Each time we meet, we sing the Country Lane song (lyrics listed below) and honor students from each grade level who exemplify the positive character trait of the month. This idea stemmed from staff members who wanted the opportunity to build a whole school connection. Our Round-Up happens first thing in the morning and starts our day in a positive and celebratory way.


Country Lane School Song Lyrics:
C-O-U-N-T-R-Y and L-A-N-E too
A better school you'll never find
We know that it's so true.
Blue and yellow are our colors
They make us so proud
We'll spell it for you one more time
We'll do it right out loud!  Oh!
C-O-U-N-T-R-Y and L-A-N-E too
Country Lane's the place to learn
No other school will do!
Reading, writing, history,
Figuring five time two,
C-O-U-N-T-R-Y and L-A-N-E too!  Yeah!