Country Lane Elementary School

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Safety & Wellness

Please click on the link below to learn more about the Moreland School District Wellness Policy regarding food at school.
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Access to Mental Health Services in Moreland

Moreland School District’s Counseling Program offers free, comprehensive school-based counseling support to students. These services are provided by licensed and pre-licensed mental health professionals and credentialed school counselors.  Services offered are evidence based, positive and strengths focused, and include individual, group, and whole class therapies in areas such as: stress management, coping and social skills, strategies to deal with grief and loss, anger management, conflict resolution, substance abuse therapy, and academic empowerment. When needed, the school counselor may also refer the student to outside professionals if school-based counseling is not sufficient to meet a student’s needs. Parents interested in referring their child to on-site counseling services may complete this form Counseling Form


Acceso a Servicios de Salud Mental en Moreland

El Programa de Orientación del Distrito Escolar de Moreland ofrece apoyo de orientación escolar integral y gratuito a los estudiantes. Estos servicios son proporcionados por profesionales en salud mental con licencia y pre licencia y consejeros escolares acreditados. Los servicios ofrecidos se basan en la evidencia, con enfoque en lo positivo y en fortalezas, e incluye terapias individuales, en grupo y de clase completa en áreas tales como: manejo del estrés, destrezas de afrontamiento y sociales, estrategias para lidiar con el dolor y la pérdida, manejo de la ira, resolución de conflictos, terapia en abuso de sustancias,  y empoderamiento académico. Cuando sea necesario, el consejero escolar también puede referir el alumno a profesionales externos si el asesoramiento escolar no es suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades del alumno. Los padres interesados en referir a su hijo a los servicios de asesoramiento in situ, pueden comunicarse con la oficina de la escuela de su hijo para obtener los formularios de recomendación y consentimiento.

 As you know, Country Lane staff and students work diligently to strengthen our safety procedures.  Each month staff and students practice drills which enable us to be prepared for actual emergencies.  We work closely with the district to improve our procedures for all types of drills: fire, earthquake, shelter-in-place, and lockdown.  In the interest of being fully prepared for an emergency, the school's administration may not notify studetns and staff of the exact day and time that a drill will occur.  Drills may occur during class time, recess, or lunch time.  We encourage you to talk about these drills with your students.  Please read our Safety Letter for Parents for more information.
Moreland Health Services are provided by district nurses who serve the needs of students at more than one district school.  While our office staff is trained in 1st Aid, CPR, and administration of medication, there is NO licensed nurse on site.
Image result for medication
Medication is not administered at the school unless a medication form (completed by your physician) is on file in the school office.  This includes any over the counter medication you might need administered. Forms are available in the school office.  Most medications can be timed so that they can be given at home by the parent.  All medication is kept in the school office. Never send medication to school with your child.

Volunteers with frequent and prolonged student contact are required to be assessed for TB risk. A TB test is only required when TB risk factors are identified by a licensed health care provider.


If NO risk factors are identified during the risk assessment by the healthcare provider, the screening is complete.  No TB test is required and the Certificate of Completion is issued by the healthcare provider and given to the school.  Forms are available in the office for your convenience.  Each certificate lasts for 4 years and then the process is repeated. If you already have a TB test/risk assessment on file, no action is required until the 4 year expiration date. 


Please see the office to turn in your Certificate of Completion or if you have any questions about your TB test/risk assessment status.
  • STUDENT SIGN-OUT - Release of a child from school may only be made to a parent, legal guardian or someone listed on the emergency card.  Release to persons other than the above mentioned may be made with written permission of the parents or legal guardians.  Emergency cards can be updated at the office at any time the office is open.  
  • APPOINTMENTSPlease make medical/dental appointments before or after school hours.  If this is not possible and your child must be released from school, please come to the office to sign out your child.  Please bring a note from the doctor upon the child’s return to school.  All students must be signed out of the office prior to release from school.  If your child has an appointment first thing in the morning, please let the school office know that your child will be coming to school late.  Remember that the student needs to be checked in through the office upon return and have the doctor/dentist note.
  • CHECKING STUDENTS OUT EARLY ON WEDNESDAYS - Students being checked out early MUST BE CHECKED OUT PRIOR TO THE START OF LUNCH through the front office. If you arrive after lunch starts, students will not be able to retrieve items left in classrooms.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses recommend the following illness and injury guidelines for school.  Children should be sent home parents should keep their child home when they display the following symptoms of illness:

  • Colds, especially during the first couple of days, and when there is a productive cough and/or thick, yellow or green nasal discharge
  • Fever of 100.4 or higher.  Student must be fever free for 24 hours without taking medication
  • Vomiting within the past 24 hours
  • Diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • Sore throat, especially if combined with fever, headache or swollen neck glands.  A severe sore throat could be strep throat even without a fever
  • Red, swollen, crusted, or draining eyes
  • Draining ears or earache
  • Headache, body aches or pain
  • Skin rash, unless diagnosed by a doctor as noninfectious.  A doctor's note is required to return to school for a suspicious rash or communicable disease.
  • Communicable disease or conditions, i.e. conjunctivitis (pink eye), impetigo, chicken pox, scabies.  A doctor's note is required to return to school for a communicable disease.  Exposure notices will be sent to all students in the grade level of the child with the diagnosis.
A child returning to school after an injury (i.e. surgery, hospitalization, wheelchair, or cast), must have a doctor's note to return to school.  If there are any restrictions or activity limitations or precautions, the doctor's note must include this information.
Head lice are prevalent and may appear on any child.  Lice checks are conducted by the office staff.  When live head lice are found, parents will be notified and the student will be sent home.  Parents will receive information and suggested treatments.  Students may return to school when they are free of live lice and nits.